Reservation for a holiday meal
With this form you can make a reservation to join us for the next holiday meal.
We look forward to seeing you!
Perach Kasher Ve’sameach!
The reservation is for the night of the first Seder meal which will take place on Friday 15/4/2023 at 19:30
(Evening prayers will take place before the meal at the same location)
This is a kosher establishment and no outside food or beverages are permitted.
The holiday meal will include a meat meal with matzah and wine.
Price (to cover expenses)
500 rupees – adult
200 rupees – child
As a donation to cover holiday costs.
This is a base price per guest – additional donations would be greatly appreciated!
Payments can be made by credit card through the purchase link or in cash up until 25/3/2023.
(In keeping with the sanctity of the holiday payments cannot be received at the meal itself and must be made in advance. )