Feeling at home in India
The Restaurant
Information for Travelers
Torah Learning Sessions
Hafrashat Challah - Challah baking
Reservation for holiday meal
Purification Mikvah

It’s nice to meet you! We’d like to share some information about us,
We are the Merili family, Roey, Neta and the kids. In the year 5771, as a pair of young parents to a 3 month old baby boy we went on a mission to the
Palolem beach in Goa, India under the guidance of Rebbe King Moshiach, to be the address for every Jew!
This wasn’t an easy step for our family for a number of reasons, however we knew we had the Rebbe’s support to rely on.
We are so pleased to have had the privilege to take part in the vast enterprise of Chabad houses around the world, and especially at Palolem Beach which unifies travelers from all walks of life and we are always pleased to welcome and get to know each person who arrives here.
Over the years we have grown (and with Hashem’s help we will continue to grow) the activities of our Chabbad house more and more such that we have found a way to address any matter you may have: a place to rest and put down your bags, have a coffee, to plan the rest of your journey, to dine at our kosher meat restaurant on the days of the week or join for a holiday or Shabbat meal.
In addition, we have holy Jewish books on hand, Torah learning, challah baking for women and spiritual workshops (advertised at our location), not to mention the Mikvah which we have built! If you might be traveling with children – we highly recommend that you check out our kindergarten or join one afternoon for an experiential activity for children.
Get into a homey atmosphere, we are awaiting your arrival!

Help us to continue to help you!
Chabad House Palolem constitutes a warm home for travelers arriving in India throughout most months of the year. Each visitor is offered help for any matter they may be dealing with, be it physical or spiritual such as: a kosher restaurant, holiday and Shabbat meals, assistance in the event of injuries or drug addiction, events such as a bris or bar mitzvah, Shabbat and holiday prayers and Torah learning.